We hope you are enjoying your summer!
Now that the summer is just about ½ over, we have a challenge for you…
Make a commitment to shoot just 1 AUTHENTIC D2C (direct to camera) video to send it out to your patients via email & social media! **If you are a Local Gold client, simply send it to your Marketing Manager and we will send it out for you.
With today’s technology, you can create these videos FAST & SIMPLE directly from your smartphone. You can have a co-worker shoot the video for you from a smartphone or you can shoot it by yourself as a “selfie” shot for fast execution.
Check out this blog post video as our co-founder Jonathan explains the importance using AUTHENTIC video communications to build + nurture stronger relationships with your patients.
**HD video shot as a “selfie” on an old school iPhone 5s.
They are your patients for a reason…because of YOU.
It’s YOUR VOICE that will resonate with them + strengthen your relationship.
Don’t worry about the technical stuff or trying to make everything perfect. Just speak to them like with truth, passion & from the heart.
This authenticity is how you will stand out in our world dominate by a sea of distractions.
If you have any questions or need our help, feel free to call us anytime!
Local Gold
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